Michael Bay is back with his beloved Transformers' robots. This time he uncovers the 1960s lunar-landing cover-up and destroys Chicago in present time. The space mission was initially launched to investigate the crash-landing of an alien spaceship on the moon. Unfortunately, unlike the recent "X-Men: First Class," the promising retro start feels like a gimmick. Things happen and jump around without logical explanations. But Bay comes through with the CGIs and stunts. Epic big and loud and chaotic. A cool Inception-style building, tilting and collapsing into another, making up a bridge in the air. Winged-suit soldiers diving and flying. Chicago transformed into a robotic battlefield. Although it's a numbing mess at 2.5 hours (2 hours would have worked just as well). See it for what it is; a brainless Bay's Bots summer blockbuster.
DVD (blu-ray): http://tinyurl.com/42ja455