
Friday, June 14, 2013

"White House Down"

[Originally posted on 6/29/13]

If you enjoy Roland Emmerich movies ("Independence Day," "Day After Tomorrow, "2012"), you'll enjoy "White House Down." 

Yes, we've seen this movie before.  "Die Hard" meets "Independence Day," and most recently came in the form of "Olympus Has Fallen."  Having seen both, "White House Down" wins hands down. 

"Olympus Has Fallen" is a one-man show with one supermacho agent, taking down an army of men, with tons of violent actions in the dark.  In "White House Down" it's refreshing to see some uncertainties; the hero (Channing Tatum) really can't save the President (Jamie Foxx), the country or the world without a network of insiders, including an active role by the hero's young daughter.  And even then, the outcome is still less certain.  The story may seem straightforward, but it covers more ground, and the bad guys are not all what they seem and each has his own motivations, which makes the movie more interesting. 

Emmerich's movies are not Oscar materials and they don't pretend to be.  Packed with explosive actions and entertaining buddy rapport, "White House Down" is a popcorn actioner with a dash of patriotism.