
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Academy Award 2011 Nominations

While the Golden Globe goes with "The Social Network, " it's not surprising to me "The King's Speech" leads the pack with 12 noms. Both are outstanding films, but the Golden Globe tends to go with the "popular kid" on the block as opposed to the "dark horse" ("The Hurt Locker" vs. "Avatar," "The Departed" vs. "Babel," "Crash vs. "Brokeback Mountain").  

"Inception" finally gets the recognition it so well deserves, sharing the spotlight equally (12/14/10 post) with "The Social Network" at 8 noms each.  If Best Picture goes to "The King's Speech" and Best Director to David Fincher, "The Social Network," I'd like to at least see that Christopher Nolan (snubbed or merely hasn't paid his 'dues' yet?), "Inception," goes up for Best Original Screenplay (or his film in either one of the other categories; Visual Effects/Score/Cinematography).

Best Actor and Best Actress nods stand for Colin Firth, "The King's Speech" and Natalie Portman, "Black Swan"

Check out the full list of the Academy Award nominations at