
Saturday, May 15, 2010


If you could be forever ageless and flawless, sharp and strong, living a perfectly safe life - wouldn't you want to be? Is it wrong to be super-shallow in a surreal world of highly airbrushed society? This is the basic premise of "Surrogates." An intriguing one that translates into something that may satisfy both the brawny and brainy types.

In a futuristic world where most of mankind is connected ("plugged in") via robotic version of themselves ("surrogate") - or anyone whom you envision you want to be - humans rarely, if ever, step outside their homes as they live vicariously through their alter-egos.

But what happens when someone (or an entity) cracks the code and is able to do the impossible - murder the real human being through their avatar? Bruce Willis channels his "Die Hard" personality and embodies that weathered, tough cop who does the right thing in the end. The special effects not only buttress but essential to the story. If there are flaws, the short running time (88 minutes) contributes to the convoluted conspiracy storyline; it prevents the story and characters to be fleshed out and toned.

Overall it's compelling, engaging, thought-provoking, yet fast-moving, action-packed - and entertaining to boot.

Posted via email from The MovieMaven