
Saturday, April 10, 2010

"Pirates of the Carribean 2: Dead Men's Chest"

Count me in as one of those who's Disappointed (with a capital 'D')... I was expecting an exhilarating adventure in the high seas. I remember how surprisingly refreshing the first one was. Colorful characters in a real frolicking fun, I was charmed and captivated. So I had extremely high expectations for the sequel. I wanted to be *escape* to that world again.  

It's still a feast to the eyes; the special effects, sets, costume and makeup are grandiosely commendable. And Depp still gave the same flippantly flamboyant, irreverently eccentric, drunkenly hysterical performance as the now-iconic Captain Jack Sparrow.

Instead of an enjoyable cinematic experience in epic proportion, it's one big bore overall. Basking in rich imagery and being enhanted in choppy action sequences doesn't make it up.

The plot's convoluted. Its undue reliance on the mechanics of the impressive-looking fantasy sea creatures made it cumbersome after a while. Some parts were laugh-outloud funny, but some scenes were just plain tedious. They could have cut 30 minutes and it would have no impact to the story.

Overall, *something* was missing... the FUN.

Posted via email from The MovieMaven